News.sonic.net = zillion old headers
(too old to reply)
Reinhold (Rey) Aman
2005-11-08 04:14:39 UTC
When I switched on my Newsgroups, my favorite NG had 11,621 ancient
headers it wants me to download before I can see today's new posts.
Is there any way I can dump all headers/messages dated prior to
yesterday and just get the new posts?
With my 54K modem (44,333K actually)
That's 44.333K actually.
it will take at least half an hour to load the 11,621 headers,
so that I can trash them ("Mark all read").
~~~ Rey ~~~
All taken care of.

~~~ Rey ~~~
Patty Winter
2005-11-08 06:40:40 UTC
With my 54K modem (44,333K actually) it will take at least half an hour
to load the 11,621 headers, so that I can trash them ("Mark all read").
And people question why some of us are still using ancient shell-based
newsreaders. ;-)

(Not taking a swipe at you, Rey! Just pointing out why some of us
prefer not to have to download everything to our own computers.)

